Holy Week and Pascha - April 13-16, 2023

On April 13, Father Barnabas Fravel provided Matins and read the 12 Passion Gospels.

Photo of Fr. Barnabas reading one of the twelve Passion Gospels at Matins during Holy Week. Photo of Fr. Barnabas addressing the congregation at Matins during Holy Week.

On April 15th, Father Barnabas Fravel celebrated Holy Saturday Liturgy, Nocturns and Matins.

Photo Fr. Barnabas reading from the lecturn on Holy Saturday while a man holding a large candle stands to his left. Photo of Fr. Barnabas addresses the congregation while standing in front of the Epitaphios (tomb icon), which surrounded by flowers. Photo of the Epitaphios (tomb icon), surrounded by flowers. Photo of candlebearers waiting near the back side of the Epitaphios (tomb icon), which is surrounded by flowers, on Holy Saturday. Photo of candlebearers on Holy Saturday, waiting near the back side of the Epitaphios (tomb icon), which is surrounded by flowers, as Fr. Barnabas emerges from behind the altar. He is holding a candelabra made up of four candles. Photo Fr. Barnabas standing at the outside front of the church, flanked by two males on either side, each holding one item. From left to right, the males are holding a candle, a bowl, a large wooden cross, and a Holy Bible, while the priest holds a gold cross. Photo seven parishoners standing outside the front of the church, facing opposite the priest and five males. Most (but not all!) of the parishoners are female, and each is holding either a candle or sheet music. Another photo of some parishoners standing outside the front of the church, facing opposite the priest and five males. Most (but not all!) of the parishoners are female, and each is holding either a candle or sheet music. Photo of four males standing outside at the front of the church as Fr. Barnabas walks back inside. Another man is standing at the side of the doorway as Fr. Barnabas passes by.

On April 16th, Father Barnabas Fravel celebrated a joyous Pascha Liturgy at our church. We gave Easter eggs and Paska bread that was made by our parishoners to all those in attendance. Following services, the children enjoyed an Easter-egg Hunt in the Rectory backyard.